The fact between West and East will totally amaze you!

Hi there!

What’s up with you guys? Happy Wednesday, right?

Curious mind is my little moment today.

I have just sawn an fantastic video “West and East, Cultural Differences” from Christian R. Bueno, Youtube.

Actually I didn’t expect much from this video. Only the title catched my curiosity.

However, after finished reading it, I decided it’s the best video ever ever for me. The difference between the Western and the Eastern philosophy is so amazingly fantastic.

Do you think to which group does this little flower belong?

The Eastern said B in cintrast with A from the Western. — See the reason for these different answers in the video.

What I’ve learnt form this video  completely changes my ever existing perspective to see the world. It gives me the second eyes to see the world full of questions and curiosities of human from the West perspective.

Moreover, I felt more amazed with this fact from the comment of Lars Paradigm. His comment is a little bit sarcastic to me because I’m an Asian girl. lol

And all my answers are exactly the same as the Asian in the video. So, I have no excuses. His thought was true for me.

His idea about the video was expressed below three months ago:

The Eastern tradition of thought really has nothing to do with science or philosophy. In short, it’s laughably false and should not be taken seriously at all. Truth is achieved when logic is consistent with observation, subjectivity plays no part in the matter.

The Ancient Chinese basically observed the world around them and attempted to explain everything with predefined mysticism in their inability/refusal to reason from first principles. Sure, perhaps we can relate such mysticism to the eventual conclusions of modern science, that does not mean the Eastern thought process was valid. A caveman might have scratched something which looks like e = mc² on a wall, that doesn’t mean he understands the equivalence of mass and energy. Western Philosophers like Socrates were extremely humble concerning what they did not know given the limitations of their era. Making up answers is never an option.

Now I’ll ask:
Where did the Scientific Method originate from?
Modern branches of Physics?
Modern Medicine?
Classical Liberalism?

According to Eastern ‘philosophy’, a table is the same as chair if they’re both made of wood. Applied consistently, they should also say that a pig is the same as a human because it represents equivalent substance. This is a metaphysical fail on so many levels. Substance and attributes can only be descriptively applied to the abstract concept of an object, they are not fundamental to the concept.

What is a ‘wooden’?
What is a ‘metallic’?
What is a ‘plastic’?
Meaningless relativism, that’s what it is.

These descriptors separate different objects which share aspects of the same concept. No two objects are exactly the same, even if we must resort to comparing the space they occupy, although many different objects can represent the same concept. Again, substance is not a concept in and of itself.

You know something is wrong with your mode of thought if it immediately breaks a = a, the Law of Identity.

It seems like the true basis of the Eastern tradition boils down to unquestioning subservience to authority figures – ‘I’ll order you around. What? When? Why? How? It does not matter, know your place in the universe! Individuality?! BAH! You insult the honor of this house! You must conform! You’re not allowed to be happy if you fail to please others!’ …no wonder their suicide rates are so high.

By the way, this documentary is incredibly bias, it selectively skims over and misrepresents Western comparisons in favor of the vague airy-fairy fortune cookie nonsense encompassed by Eastern thought as if it’s completely valid.

Of course, that’s not to say all Western thinkers are automatically brilliant and all Eastern thinkers are automatically terrible, but it’s pretty damn clear which side contributed the most to the present quality of our lives.

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you guys get a new idea to crunch on for today,


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